Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thursday Thoughts: It's official...

... i'm the mother of a teenager!!!!

i know it's mean to post a pic of the gorgeous man-boy himself opening cards at 7am, but i'm hoping if i keep telling myself my baby boy's 13, i just might begin to believe it....

but right now, i simply can't :o)

where, o where did 13 years go....

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thursday Thoughts...

moleskines are indeed the most wonderful notebooks - the perfect design, the perfect size, the perfect paper...

i've been scribbling in them for years, and i don't know why, but today i pulled one out to read...
and here's what i found:

wed 9 may 2007

i'm struggling this morning as i've a horrible feeling i've had a sort of TIA. the right side of my body feels very heavy, and i'm having to really concentrate to hold my pen... in the early hours of this morning i 'felt', 'dreamed' i'd had a stroke and my right side was a dead-weight... it's probably just as well i didn't go for a walk this morning...

this was my last entry on the morning the stroke hit, the last time i wrote with my right hand, just before i dropped the pen and realized things were not quite right, just before i woke sam to discover i could not speak...

i'd forgotten i'd even written this! what a bizarre reminder that anything can happen, at any time... talk about food for thought...

Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday Madness!!

i can only blame today's full moon...
i've felt for the past few months i wanted to revamp my blog - it was beginning to look and feel a bit tired and samey...
so i decided 'today's the day!', and despite the pop-up box telling me any changes to the template would mean i'd lose any customizations, i hit the button anyway...
so all my links and awards and favourites blogs have duly vanished!!
please bear with me while i work to retrieve them...
but i do like the new look :o)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wellness Wednesday: Out with the old, in with the new

we decided not to go on holiday this year - my lack of mobility just makes it too complicated - plus the weather's been awful in england this summer!
so, while the kids were at grandpa's for the last week of the hols, nick and i decided to surprise them :o)
our old TV died over a year ago, and a friend kindly lent one of his (top pic) - we're one of these strange families who only have one TV - imagine that!! - which worked just fine... but the kids kept saying it was too small and the digibox kept cutting in and out, so we decided it was time to enter the 21st century in TV technology!
the new telly is 32" - still not that big - it is high definition and digital - so no external digibox needed - and it's gorgeous to watch!! football matches look awesome - even when england are playing! playing a movie on the new DVD player looks like a mini cinema! the regular TV programmes aren't cut at the top and the bottom - since it's widescreen, they fill the whole screen...
so we have two happy kids - most of the time! - and all is well in the sauer household :o)

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Sacred Life Sunday: Playing with colour

well, it kind of looks like a pear...

yesterday my art class started up again after the summer break.
we were greeted by a long line of fruit and veg in the middle of the table.
'oh no, still life - how boring!' i thought to myself...
then we were given two colours - a blue and a green - and shown how to mix them... the tiniest speck of ultramarine in pale yellow... and then the magick happens - i'm an alchemist!!!

the second pic is a composite of two watercolour experiments i did last term - i wet the paper, and then applied the paint and just let it all run where it willed. i cut them out myself - not easy with one hand!! thank goodness for masking tape!

i think it kind of looks like mount kilimanjaro, in a red desert, in a storm... if you squint... maybe...